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605 Sports
Class B region wrestling preview - Loaded Class B regions ready to rumble as region meets take place Saturday
Redfield's Grady Fey looking for the pin against Canton's Traun Cook earlier this season
Rodney Haas - 605 Sports
Feb 16, 2024

By Rich Winter

605 Sports

Region 1B - Faulkton Area leads crowded field ready to contend for Region 1B wrestling title

GETTYSBURG — Of all four Class B regional tournaments Region 1B is the most difficult to project a potential team winner. While that news is bad for prognosticators, it should make for some excellent wrestling with at least five teams that have a real shot at winning this region. 

Faulkton Area and Kingsbury County appeared in the latest Dakota Grappler rankings. Those teams along with Clark/Willow Lake, Redfield and Deuel/Deubrook Area would be considered pre-region favorites with the tournament slated to begin Saturday morning.

Ranked wrestlers from contending teams.

  • Faulkton Area - Sean Roseland (113), Cash Edgar (120), Landon Coyle (144), Garrett Cramer (150), Tristan Baloun (190), Lincoln Dikoff (215), Parker Bode (285).

  • Kingsbury County - Cody Zell (120), Gannon Gilligan (126), Greyson Nielson (138), Conner Giedd (144), Connor Johnson (215)

  • Clark/Willow Lake - Cade Gaikowski (106), Cooper Pommer (113), Austin VIg (138), Elliot Brantland (165), Josh Kannegieter (175

  • Redfield - Maddon Odland (106), Conner Zens (126), Dylan Murray (175), Camden Murray (190), Grady Fey (285). 

  • Deuel/Deubrook Area - Ryker Gauger (120), Gavin Kloos (144), Korbin Whiteley (175), 

Wrestlers to watch: 

Haeden Jorgenson, Webster Area (138), Christian Ehresmann, Groton Area (144), Alex Pudwell, Warner/Northwestern (190).

Best Potential Matchups:

No. 1 Brody Randall, Hamlin/Castlewood vs. No. 2 Nicholas Schlachter, Potter County

No. 3 Christian Ehresmann, Groton Area vs. No. 4 Connor Giedd, Kingsbury County. 

Region 2B - Canton’s drive for seventh consecutive Class B state title begins Saturday

CANTON —- With all due respect to the other teams in Saturday’s Region 2B wrestling tournament, this one belongs to the Canton C-Hawks. 

Winners of six consecutive Class B state titles the road for seven begins Saturday with the region tournament being held in Canton. 

Once again, the C-Hawks are loaded. 

Canton’s ranked wrestlers: 

Carter Kendrick (106), No. 2; Landon Walker (113) No. 5; Zach Bartels (120), No. 6; Aiden Schrempp (126) No. 8; Ashton Keller (132), No. 1; Teague Granum (144) No. 5; Ayson Rice (150), No. 5; Aiden Kranz (157), No. 4; Gavin Neu (175), No. 9; Carter Kreger (190), No. 11; Hunter Richmond (215), No. 5; Traun Cook (285), No. 2.

Parker and McCook Central/Montrose should be in the running for runner-up in this top-heavy region. 

Wrestlers to watch: 

Logan Pankratz, Marion/Freeman (106), Parker Randall, MCM (106), Brody Gossen, Marion/Freeman (113), Landon Flogstad, MCM (113), Easton Tschetter, Marion/Freeman (120), Conner Glasford, Tri-Valley (120), Cole Hendrixson, Tri-Valley (126), Trystan Traupel, MCM (126), Alex Kuchta, Parker (126), Treyson Richter, Tri-Valley (132), Jerimiah Friman, Parker (132), Keaton Prehiem, Marion/Freeman, (132), Michal Even, Parker (138), Brody Dybvig, Tri-Valley (150), Riley Pankratz, Parker (150), Tate Miller, Howard (150),  Jackson Remmers, Howard (157)Andrew Even, Parker (157), Carter Randall, MCM (165), Landyn Reiser, Tri-Valley (165), Weston Remmers, Howard (165), Connor Even, Parker (175), Will Rotert, MCN (190), Levi Wieman, Parker (215), Isaac Nehlich, Tri-Valley (285). 

Canton's Landon Walker and Marion/Freeman's Brody Gossen wrestling earlier this season - Rodney Haas - 605 Sports

Region 3B - Winner Area, Kimball/White Lake/Platte-Geddes ready for battle royale against talented 3B field

PARKSTON —- The Region 3B wrestling field is deep, stacked and some would say rugged.

On paper Winner Area and Kimball/White Lake/Platte-Geddes are the top teams in the region. However, 3B features teams from Bon Homme/Avon, Miller/Highmore-Harrold and Wagner that were all ranked in the top-twelve for team rankings in the latest Dakota Grappler rankings.

Translation — Buckle up things are about to get interesting as teams converge in Parkston Saturday morning. 

  • Kimball/White Lake/Platte-Geddes - Ranked No. 4 in the latest Dakota Grappler rankings Kimball/White Lake has a good contingent of wrestlers that should qualify for the state tournament. Vincent Lenz (113), Kasen Konstanz (120), Gavin Braun, Kimball/White Lake/Platte-Geddes (126), Johnny Lenz (132), Iden Meyers (144), Carter Konechne (150), Lucas Lenz (165) are all athletes that could win region titles and certainly qualify for state.

  • Winner Area - Ranked No. 5 in the latest rankings the Warriors are right in the thick of the Class B race. Rylan Robbins (106) and Maxton Brozik (126) are both top-ranked in their weight classes. Roukyn Robbins (113), Konner Osborn (132), Karson Keiser (138), Ryken Orel (144), Jude Sargent (157), Kellen Cihak-Brozik (175) and Stetson Shelbourn (285) are all ranked and will be in the hunt for region titles. 

Wrestlers to watch: 

Judd Hansen, Burke/Gregory (106), Chase Hurd, MHH, (106), Ryvr Larson, BHA (106) Jackson Carter, Wessington Springs/Woonsocket/Wolsey-Wessington (113), Talon Ping, Miller/Highmore-Harrold (120), Kaydin Carter, WS/W/WW, 120), Jordan Schafer, Miller/Highmore-Harrold (126), Karstyn Lhotak, Wagner (132), Jackson Kaul, Bon Homme/Avon (132), Kellen Hurd, Miller/Highmore-Harrold (138), Tyler Tjeerdsma, BHA, 138, Kaden Holzbauer, Parkston (138), Teague Foreman, Miller/Highmore-Harrold (144), Paxton Nedved, Mount Vernon/Plankinton/Corsica-Stickney (144), Riley Roberts, Wagner (150), Carter Sommer, Parkston (150), Wyatt Anderson, Parkston (157), Ryder Rowland, MHH (157), Jackson Caba, Bon Homme/Avon Miller/Highmore-Harrold, Jhett Breen, Wagner (165), Colby Kolda, MHH (175), Gannon Knebel, Wagner (190), Kolter Kramer, Parkston (190), Holden Havlik, WSWWW (215). 

Best potential finals matches:

No. 1 Maxton Brozik, Winner Area vs. No. 2 Gavin Braun, KWLPG

No. 3 Riley Roberts, Wagner vs. No. 4 Carter Sommer, Parkston

No. 2 Gannon Knebel, Wagner vs. No. 3 Kolter Kramer, Parkston (No. 5 Isaiah Crownover, BHSA and No. 7 Jhett Eklund, Burke/Gregory are also in this bracket). 

Kimball/White Lake/Platte-Geddes' Kasen Konstanz wrestling against Tea Area's Tyler Woodring earlier this year - Rodney Haas - 605 Sports

Region 4B - Philip/Kadoka Area/Wall Badlands Brawlers, Custer expected to contend for 4B wrestling title

FORT PIERRE — WIth Custer ranked No. 2 and Philip/Kadoka Area/Wall/Badlands Brawlers ranked No. 3 in the latest Dakota Grappler team rankings, Saturday’s Region 2B meet in Fort Pierre is looking like a two-horse race. 

Both teams will be looking to get as many athletes qualified to score team points at the state tournament next weekend in Sioux Falls. 

  • Custer - Parker Noem is top ranked (190) while Tray Weiss is No. 2 (120), Ryder Bailey is No. 2 (175) and Tyler Trant, No. 3 (113). Other Custer wrestlers looking to make the state tournament are: Riley Scott (132), Leighton Sander (144), Kai Rusch (150) and Zayne Severyn (285). 

  • Brawlers - During Canton’s six-year Class B winning streak only Winner Area and Kimball/White Lake/Platte-geddes have finished as runner-up. The Brawlers are extremely talented in the mid and upper weights and have a legitimate shot to finish runner-up to Canton at the state meet. Gatlin Cordes (106), Tukker Boe (120), Jace Blasius (150), Ryker Peterson (157), Kale Crowser (165), Burk Blasius (175), Quinn Moon (190) and Jensen Fitch (215) are all highly ranked and will be in the mix for region titles Saturday. 

Athletes to watch: Maxwell Anderson, Lemmon/McIntosh (106), Wyatt Wientjes, Mobridge-Pollock (126), Drew Janke, Lead-Deadwood (126), Gage Anderson, Lemmon/McIntosh (132), Witt Myers, Stanley County (132), Spencer Sargent, Stanley County (138), Gavin Risse, Bennett County (138), Lincoln Wickstrom, Harding County (138), Miles Renner, Lead-Deadwood (144), Hayden Roggow, Stanley County (157), Rory McManus, Lyman (165), Colter Brady, Stanley County (165), Caleb Rickenbach, Hot Springs (215), Colton Niles, Newell (285) and Louie Thiry, Lyman (285). 

Matches to watch: 

No. 3 Riley Scott, Custer vs. No. 4 Gage Anderson, Lemmon/McIntosh (132).

No. 1 Burk Blasius, Brawlers vs. No. 2 Ryder Bailey, Custer (175). 

Philip/Kadoka Area/Wall Badlans Brawlers senior Burk Blasius is looking for a fourth consecutive Class B state title - Rodney Haas - 605 Sports